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s3738367_Sahaj Garg_IOLSem2_folio02_Multiverse_IOL_conceptDoc 2
s3738367_Sahaj_Garg_IOL_Folio01_Multiverse_ Immersive AR Audio Visual _ Concept Doc 1
EXERCISE I: Choose one adjective that names/hints at the mood of your project and communicate it through key-framing THE POSITION VALUE OF ONE POLYGON.
EXERCISE II: Choose the same one adjective that names the mood of your project and communicate it through key-framing ANY TRANSFORMATION VALUE OF ONE POLYGON.
EXERCISE III: Choose the same one adjective that names the mood of your project and communicate it through key-framing ANY TRANSFORMATION VALUE OF ANY NUMBER OF POLYGONS
Further experimentation : In this I added another layer of effect to make it more matching towards the added adjectives and a more abrupt timing(experimental)